Replanting Plan

The first step to replanting The Warren

New trees planted in The Warren On 6th February 2020, executives from the Tree Council and DEFRA (Department for environment, food and rural affairs) held a team building day in Harting.  The time spent here helped to highlight the impact of ash dieback and the challenges faced on a national basis as the disease spreads.  The management of ash dieback and the regeneration of The Warren is setting an example to other local authorities, land owners and environmental organisations

Approximately 400 trees and shrubs were planted at the top, southern end of the Warren. 


Time for the restoration to begin

The Tree Council, a national charity, awarded the parish a huge grant of £32,179.00 in support of the regeneration and woodland management programme.  This enabled us to buy 4,300 sapling shrubs and trees to restore our woodland.

On 8th March 2021 MJO Forestry started planting the first of 2,900 saplings, representing the majority of planting plan designed by aboriculturalist Petra Billings.

A further 800 saplings will be planted by community volunteers in the autumn and winter of 2021/22.

The final tranch of planting will take place during 2022 and will be used to replace any failed saplings and to fill any gaps.

Native species were chosen based on their suitability for the terrain and local environment.


  • 800 Beech trees
  • 650 Field Maple trees
  • 750 Lime trees
  • 225 Whitebeam trees
  • 225 Yew trees
  • 350 Hazel shrubs
  • 150 Hawthorn
  • 225 Guelder Rose
  • 225 Wayfaring trees
  • 100 Spindle shrubs
  • 100 Dogwood shrubs



cartoon of hand holding tree saplingFind out how to become a Harting Tree Champion and Get Involved