Film Nights


These will be re-starting in September at the Harting Community  Hall. The planned dates are listed below. If you are not already on our mailing list then please be added by sending your Email address to as full details of all films, including links to the trailers and brief synopses, will be Emailed to everyone on our mailing list.

As previously reported there will no longer be a charge to see the film, but entrance to the hall will be by purchasing a Raffle ticket on the door for a raffle prize that will be drawn at that showing. All films will start at 7.30pm and the doors and bar will open at 7pm.

The first film will be on Thursday 14th September

The remainder of the Autumn season will be:

Thursday 12th October.

Saturday 28th October. (Golden Oldies Evening).

Thursday 9th November.

Saturday 2nd December. (Blockbuster Musical Evening)

Thursday 14th December.