Lockdown – One Year On

A year ago the Parish Council Emergency Group (PCEG) was formed in the shadow of the first national lockdown. and the call for volunteers went out.  In the days leading up to the 23rd we hastily put together newsletters and information, desperate to get printing done before businesses closed, and put out the call for volunteers.  In little more than 10 days the PCEG had increased from 3 to 20 with a further 100 volunteering to help.

Thank you to all the ‘Buddies’ and everyone who has given their time, checked on their neighbours, friends or strangers, and offered to help.

One year on and it is a time to remember those we have lost and been unable to mourn and friends and family we have not been able to see.  As the country makes it way slowly out of a world of restrictions we can begin to  look forward, to make plans and to meet again.